Research into the roles and perceptions learning design professionals’ experience and roles around OEP has been limited. Gaps we have noticed in the literature point to a need for further research in areas such as shareable designs for open pedagogies, strategies for influencing and promoting OEP in learning design work, and explorations of the learning designer experience that goes beyond descriptive statistics. Because learning design professionals are often on the front line of implementation of OEP they may grapple with both the institutional barriers and practical challenges that arise. Our goal was to examine what about OEP these professionals most value, their current practices, and what factors may enable or inhibit them in their roles and their ability to have influence on cultural change within their institutions. The research process includes a review of the literaure, data collection from a survey of instructional designers with follow-up interviews, and analysis of findings including recommendations. Using qualitative research methods we identify a number of emerging themes to deepen understanding of and potential roles for learning design professionals in OEP practice and advocacy. A research article based on this project will be submitted for publication to a prominent open access journal in the field of open and distance education.
Beetham, H., Falconer, I., McGill, L., & Littlejohn, A. (2012). Open Practices: a briefing paper. JISC. Retrieved from
Campbell, G. (October 16, 2012). Ecologies of yearning. Keynote address at Open Ed Conference 12, Vancouver, B.C.
Hegarty, B. (2015). A Brief History of Openness. Educational Technology, July–Augus(2–13).
Porter, D. (2013). Exploring the practices of educators using open educational resources (OER) in the British Columbia higher education system. Simon Fraser University. Retrieved from
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