We have worked with Parkinson’s UK to develop, a small badged open course to raise awareness of Parkinson’s amongst front line health and social care staff, and then a post graduate level short badged course on palliative care. With the former Parkinson’s UK wanted to address the educational needs of a group who are on cares “front line”, but last in line when it comes to training. In the latter, Parkinson’s UK wanted to intervene with more senior members to provide relevant curriculum in an area where they felt health providers and the academy were failing. Through OER they hoped to inform the development of CPD and accredited programmes, with the ultimate goal always concerned with improving the care of those with Parkinson’s.
Our engagement with OEP is also concerned with use. For example, our work with Scottish Union Learning (Cannell and Macintyre 2017) has focussed on socialising learning. Drawing on older traditions of social support for those distanced from learning and Trade Union collective values we have explored and developed models to support the use of OER. More recently in our work with Unite the Union and the Poverty Alliance in Scotland we have been looking at how to curate learning journeys. We will report on these initiatives and insights from research we have been doing with the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisation into sector wider approaches to OER and OEP.
Third Sector are “minding the gap”, we share our reflections on those gaps and how they have arisen. We also share what we have learnt about WP from Third Sector partnerships, unlike most HE their learners or clients are not competing for access or being competed for, they are not orientated towards learning at all. Just as assumptions about learning shapes openness in HE (Macintyre 2016), this shapes their approach to open. It is our sense there are important lessons for HE as it looks to live up to the early promise of open to promote equity and social justice.
Cannell, P., Macintyre, R. and Hewitt, L. (2015) Widening access and OER: developing new practice, Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 17, 1: 64-72.
Cannell, P. and Macintyre, R. (2017) Free open online resources in workplace and community settings – a case study on overcoming barriers, Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, in press
Macintyre, R. (2016). Open Education and the Hidden Tariff. In: OEGlobal 2016: Convergence through Collaboration, 12th-14th of April, Krakow, Poland.
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