In this session we examine the meaning of OEP in three stages. First, we review examples of OEP in the Scottish context that have been documented as part of research carried out by the OER Hub ( as part of the OEPS project ( and Second, we recontextualise these examples and examine them within the international context, through the use of exemplar case studies from around the world. Finally, we present an emerging framework of open practice based on our research to date. The aim of the framework is to systematically reflect on, analyse and present different facets of international open practice whilst simultaneously contributing to the development of the meaning of open practice and OEP.
In short this session aims to further develop a definition of OEP through a systematic analysis of international open practices. It will also explore where open makes a difference to practice and what kind of ethos, if any, underpins how we understand openness.
McGill, L. (2013) Open-Educational-Practice [online] UKOER Synthesis and Evaluation. Available at: [Accessed: 21 Jan 2017]
OEPS (no date) Definitions [online] Available at: [Accessed: 21 Jan 2017]
Wiley, D (2014) The Access Compromise and the 5th R. [Blog] Iterating toward Openness. Available at: [Accessed: 21 Jan 2017]
UNESCO (no date) What are open educational resources (OER)? [online] Available at: [Accessed: 21 Jan 2017]
Frances Bell joined the session Exploring International Open Educational Practices [1549] 8 years ago
Leo Havemann joined the session Exploring International Open Educational Practices [1549] 8 years ago