“Gamification is the use of game design elements and game mechanics in non-game contexts. This idea has been used successfully in many web based businesses to increase user engagement. Some researchers suggest that it could also be used in web based education as a tool to increase student motivation and engagement.”(Dominguez et al, 2013)
This workshop will demonstrate that crowdsourcing contributions to Wikimedia’s family of Open Education projects does not have to involve a heavy time component and that short fun, enjoyable activities can be undertaken which enhance the opportunities for teaching & learning and the dissemination of open knowledge. Participants will be guided through a series of Wikimedia tools; running through the purpose of each tool, how they can be used to support open education alongside practical demos.
Tools to play around with in this session:
- Wikipedia’s Visual Editor – see how easy it is to edit Wikipedia using Visual Editor’s WordPress-like dropdown menus.
- Citation Hunt – help Wikipedia by finding citations using this random citation finder. Or filter the citations to work on more specific topic areas of Wikipedia e.g. citations missing for articles on history or art or more filtered still like Croatian art history.
- The Wikidata Game – help populate Wikidata, Wikimedia’s free & open structured data repository, with facts using this fun way of crowdsourcing data that you can play while waiting on a bus.
- Edit Wikidata using information, with references, from Wikipedia.
- Upload openly-licensed pics from Flickr to Wikimedia Commons using the Flickr2Commons tool
- WikiShootMe – help find buildings which have no photo uploaded as part of Wiki Loves Monuments; the world’s largest photo competition.
- GapFinder – see the suggested trending articles which could be translated from one language Wikipedia into another. Translate a short article using Wikipedia’s new Content Translation tool.
- Wikivoyage – contribute a bullet-pointed line of text to a place you are familiar with in Wikimedia’s Lonely Planet style travel guide.
- Wikisource’s Proofread interface – Transcribe out-of-copyright songs, letters, short stories, novels, poems & speeches on Wikimedia’s free content library.
Domínguez, Adrián; Saenz-de-Navarrete, Joseba; de-Marcos, Luis; Fernández-Sanz, Luis; Pagés, Carmen; Martínez-Herráiz, José-Javier (2013). “Gamifying learning experiences: Practical implications and outcomes”. Computers & Education. 63: 380–392. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2012.12.020.
Kim, Bohyun (2015).’Gamification in Education and Libraries’, Library Technology Reports, 51, 2, pp. 20-28, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 November 2016.
Forsyth, Ellen. “Learning Through Play: Games And Crowdsourcing For Adult Education.” Aplis 25.4 (2012): 166-173. Academic Search Premier. Web. 24 Nov. 2016.
mpoulter posted an update in the session Gamifying Wikimedia – Learning through Play (Workshop) [1560] 7 years, 11 months ago
Hi all, we looked at WikiShootMe but didn’t have time to go through the detail of how to run an event or activity using it, or at the mechanics of uploading an image. This blog post goes into more practical detail about that, and about some other ideas for activities using the Wikimedia platforms.…[Read more]
Ewan McAndrew posted an update in the session Gamifying Wikimedia – Learning through Play (Workshop) [1560] 7 years, 11 months ago
Slides for the Gamifying Wikimedia session: Thanks to all who took part!
Frances Bell joined the session Gamifying Wikimedia – Learning through Play (Workshop) [1560] 8 years ago
Josie Fraser joined the session Gamifying Wikimedia – Learning through Play (Workshop) [1560] 8 years ago