Contribute to the OER17 Plenary Panel Wall
Our panelists, Catherine Cronin (@catherinecronin), Laura Czerniewicz (@Czernie) and Muireann O’Keeffe (@MuireannOK), will draw on the range of research, activism and discussion seen at #OER17 to critically reflect on where the open education community is, and where it is heading. Join us to discuss the strengths and pressing challenges of the open education community, how these are being championed and addressed, and how we continue to move forward. Attendees will be invited to contribute to this session throughout the conference – follow this session for updates.
If you would like to contribute to this session there are a number of ways:
On Twitter
Those who like to keep their contributions concise can use the question number as a tagged answer number along with #OER17 on Twitter e.g. To answer question one your tweet would contain #A1 #OER17. Links have been provided below to help you compose your tweet. Catherine (@catherinecronin), Laura (@Czernie) and Muireann (@MuireannOK) will use these questions as lenses for their reflections and for facilitating group feedback during the final plenary panel.
On-site and at-distance attendees are warmly encouraged to reflect and respond!
Q1: What is ‘open practice’ in 2017?
Q2: How do institutional cultures enable or inhibit openness? And how is institutional change towards open achieved?
and finally,
Q3: Where to from here?
Padlet wall
You are welcome to contribute to the OER17 Plenary Panel Padlet Wall
Leo Havemann joined the session Plenary Panel: Mapping the Politics of Open 8 years ago
Stephanie (Charlie) Farley joined the session Plenary Panel: Mapping the Politics of Open 8 years ago