Image credit: CC-BY Cogdog https://flic.kr/p/poKset
Thank you for participating in #OER17: Feedback and help shape next year’s event
Edited by Martin Hawksey
April 6, 2017 9:12 am
Thank you for participating in #OER17!
We hope you have enjoyed the event and are inspired to get involved further in the coming year. If you missed sessions in the main conference hall recordings are already available and can be found from link on the OER17 Programme.
We hope to see you at OER18 next year. To help shape next year’s event please:
- Give us your feedback and help make next year’s conference even better and complete this short evaluation form; and
- Sign-up if you want to get involved in OER18
Thank you for being part of the conference and our community. Every contribution counts.
1 Comment
The remote participant calendar was great especially tbe real time red line.
Speakers need mic training. Very engaging, thankyou.