Vision of “open school and academia” is much more then just licensing the content and solving copyright problems. Inclusion and transformation of teaching and learning based around the values of openness are key factors for successful OER development and real paradigm change in education. OER policy communities from 5 countries in CEE region for next 2 years will work together on policy implementation and capacity building based on experience and theory of change much broader then just development and distribution of open content. This policy work plans to connect advocacy for OER with digital pedagogy: formal education that teaches students empowerment and responsibility for the surrounding world, by effectively employing the potential of new technologies in legal, technical, and economic dimensions. In order to achieve this, four strategic conditions need to be met:
- Open Educational Resources are the necessary foundation for open education;
- Digital literacy of teachers and students is a necessary requirement for activating the potential of OER;
- Culture of sharing needs to be the underpinning of open education, for it to be more than just formal rules;
- Technical infrastructure is necessary to provide effective models for publishing, obtaining and using OER.
This project struggles with how to measure impact of such intervention in different countries. Some framework for that is build upon 7 years of experience of Polish Coalition for Open Education and work of Open Policy Network.
Martin Hawksey
joined 7 years, 10 months ago -
joined 7 years, 11 months ago