This panel aims to stimulate deeper thought beyond our initial reactions to these political movements. We will provide diverse, multiple perspectives on the relationship between Open Education and the political changes represented by Brexit and the Trump election. Many questions arise, including:
- What challenges do these political movements pose for Open Education? What opportunities?
- Open Education movement has largely embraced values of inclusiveness, sharing, connectedness, equity, voice, agency, and openness. How might these values be furthered under these new regimes? How might these values be hindered?
- Will our work in the open education movement change?
- In what ways can we shape the future of the Open Education Movement?
The proposed format is loosely reminiscent of the BBC4 show “Moral Maze”. We will not explore a “maze” per se, so much as we shall attempt to collectively and deliberately explore different perspectives and insights. The discussants consist of main panel of 5 men and women, including myself as moderator, and 4-6 “witnesses”. Rather than a traditional panel wherein each “expert” provides their thoughts in turn, main panellists’ role is to jointly interview and question each of a group of “witnesses”. Witnesses will each make a brief statement (2-3 min) providing a fresh or different perspective on some aspect of the issue. Panellists will then help explore that perspective by questioning the “witness”. As moderator, I will also solicit questions from the audience via Twitter hashtag. Approximate schedule for a 60 minute session will be:
- 10 min for introduction and brief statement from moderator and each main panelist
- 35 min for “witness” statements and questioning.
- 15 min for each main panelist to summarize what they’ve heard and learned.
The main panellists include men and women from the UK, US, and the middle east. Our aim is to provide a more holistic view by assembling “witnesses” with diverse gender and geographic backgrounds. Subject matter expertise includes education, technology, economics, history, futurist research, rhetoric, and literature. To facilitate these multiple perspectives, some “witnesses” will “testify” via a Google hangout/Vconnecting arrangement (on large screen). We currently have witnesses with deep backgrounds in OER adoption, public support of higher ed, privacy & inclusion issues, teaching, cross-cultural issues, and a student. Our witnesses are from multiple countries including outside the US/UK.
If the organisers should choose to provide 90 minutes of time, the number of witnesses could be increased providing additional points of view.
Although submitted under Local, National, and International Policy and Practice theme, this session also spans the Politics and Participation & Social Equality themes.
bali posted an update in the session Perspectives on Open Education in a World of Brexit & Trump [1559] 7 years, 11 months ago
Jim Luke’s site and the provocations
bali posted an update in the session Perspectives on Open Education in a World of Brexit & Trump [1559] 7 years, 11 months ago
Periscope of the session
Thx to Autumm Caines -